Application Methods
In order to disinfect surfaces in greenhouse and agricultural applications, Purolyt can be applied via wiping, spraying and fogging methods. For more detailed information, please refer to the user manual. If you are looking for further information with regard to the safe use of Purolyt, we are happy to help you. Furthermore, our experts will provide you with advice on the creation of hygiene concepts as well as on the validation of disinfection processes in order to meet the requirements of different norms and standards. You will find our contact form here.
Small surfaces or tools are usually disinfected by wiping. We recommend to uniformly spray the surfaces and to subsequently wipe them down. It is important to ensure that the surfaces you wish to disinfect are completely wetted. Please respect the necessary exposure time.
This can be employed anywhere where wiping proves impracticable for disinfecting surfaces, e.g. in the case of surfaces with poor accessibility. For spraying, regular commercially available pressure sprayers (min. 3 bar) may be used. It is important to ensure that the surfaces you wish to disinfect are completely wetted.
Cold fogging allows for a uniform droplet size as well as for an optimal distribution of the aerosol. This is particularly suitable for the application in spacious rooms. Even cracks, corners, joints and porous surfaces can be treated easily. Usually, cold fogging is carried out in a fully automated process, so the number of personnel required is greatly reduced. It is important to ensure that the surfaces you wish to disinfect are completely wetted.